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A PhD in Mathematics is an academic degree for those who have completed a program studying the field of Mathematics

Mathematics is highly interdisciplinary and is the science of patterns. Therefore, this doctorate offers courses in both pure mathematics (mathematical analysis and algebraic systems). For example, on one hand, and computation methods, applied mathematics (computational mathematics), on the other hand. 

PhD in Mathematics study consists of patterns, abstracting them into a formal system, as well as formal systems to describe everyday problems. 

How to Choose the Right PhD Admission Program in Mathematics

The first thing you’ll need to do is decide what area of mathematics interests you the most. Your options for specific areas include:


Pure mathematics: This involves topics like geometry, algebra, number theory, and topology. If this is your area of interest, your work will focus largely on theoretical concepts rather than applied work. 

Applied mathematics: This includes more specialized fields such as fluid dynamics and aerodynamics; as well as research areas like mathematical biology and mathematical physics. If you’re interested in applied math, you’ll be using theories from fields such as. Statistics, algebra, and calculus to solve practical problems in other disciplines. 

Mathematical statistics: Those who are interested in mathematical statistics apply statistical methods to problems in other areas of mathematics. You’ll need to have a firm grasp on probability in order to pursue a degree in this field. 

Probability theory: The goal of this field is to analyze random phenomena to understand any activity properly. It’s closely related to statistics, but with a more theoretical approach. 

Statistics: This involves probability theory and data collection for hypothesis testing. Statistical analysis can be both theoretical and applied. 

Other Options Include:

Discrete mathematics and combinatorial analysis, numerical analysis (by computer scientists), operations research (a mix of math and engineering) .

PhD in Mathematics

Why Get a PhD in Mathematics? 

There are many reasons to get a PhD in Mathematics. Math covers a broad set of interesting topics, and the ability to understand mathematics can lead to a higher starting salary than most careers.  

  1. The ability to do and understand mathematics is an asset in almost every field, and it opens doors that would otherwise remain closed.  
  2. In addition, mathematics is essential for any career in science, engineering, economics, or finance. 
  3. You can also work as an applied mathematician, developing mathematical models for businesses and companies throughout the country, including health care and industrial settings. 
  4. By earning your PhD in mathematics, you open up a world of career possibilities.  
  5. You may want to pursue a career in academia or teach courses while continuing to perform research or publish papers of your own creation.  
  6. Some universities offer positions that reward teachers for having strong research backgrounds, so if teaching is what you enjoy most about mathematics, this could be the perfect opportunity for you. 


What is the Difference Between an MA, MS, and PhD? 

  1. An MA stands for Master of Arts and an MS stands for Master of Science. These degrees are both generally just called Masters degrees.  
  2. The difference between an MA and MS degree is that one type of degree focuses on the arts, while the other focuses on science.  
  3. However, this distinction is not very important for most graduate math programs because most do not offer an MA at all and because there is no real difference between the courses one would take for either type of degree.  
  4. Therefore, when I talk about a Master’s degree below, I am referring to both types (i.e., both MA and MS). 
  5. A PhD stands for Doctor of Philosophy. This is often abbreviated as “PhD” but sometimes people say “Doctorate in Philosophy.”  
  6. A PhD in Mathematics typically requires two years of full-time study, which includes coursework, comprehensive exams, and dissertation research and writing.  
  7. A master’s program usually takes one year of full-time study (or two years part-time). 


PhD in Mathematics

Further, many jobs requiring a doctorate-level education in mathematics exist in academia or for government organizations. Successful careers and research careers in these areas require advanced knowledge of PhD in mathematics, with the specialization required for this profession vastly exceeding what most people learn in a lifetime. 

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