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Do you want to wait months for your research to be published in Scopus-Indexed ABDC Journals? Do you want to know the secrets to the fast publication and getting your work noticed by the academic community? If so, look no further! In this blog post, we will discuss practical strategies and tips for navigating the challenging world of academic publishing. From selecting the right journal to writing a compelling manuscript, we’ve got you covered. So grab a cup of coffee and get ready to learn how to ensure fast publication in Scopus-Indexed ABDC Journals! 

Table of Content

1. Introduction to Scopus-Indexed ABDC Journals
2. Benefits of Fast Publication in Scopus-Indexed Journals 
3. Tips for Ensuring Fast Publication in Scopus Journals 
4. Types of Articles you can Submit 
5. Some tips for ensuring fast publication in Scopus-indexed journals
6. Selection criteria for an article submission 
7. Revision and Proofreading 
8. Popular Scopus Indexed Journals 
9. Article marketing and promotion

Introduction to Scopus-Indexed ABDC Journals

Numerous scientific, peer-reviewed journals are indexed in the Scopus database. The Association of Business Academics and Doctoral Researchers (ABDC) lists 142 accredited business schools and their associated journals in the Scopus database. 

It is essential to understand the indexing process to increase the chances of having your article published quickly in a Scopus-indexed journal. The first step is to identify which ABDC journals are indexed in Scopus. You can do this by searching the Scopus database or consulting the ABDC Journal List of accredited journals. 

Once you have identified a suitable journal, you should check its requirements for submission. Each journal will have different needs, so reading these carefully before submitting your article is essential. Journals indexed in Scopus typically require you to submit your report via an online submission system. 

After you have submitted your article, the editors of the journal will then assess whether it is suitable for publication. This process can take a few weeks, so be patient. If your article is approved and accepted, it will be scheduled to be published in a subsequent edition of this journal writing. Once your article has been published, it will be indexed in the Scopus database and made available to researchers worldwide.

Benefits of Fast Publication in Scopus-Indexed Journals 

There are many benefits to publishing in Scopus-indexed journals, but the most important is the possibility of having your work read and cited by a wider audience. Scopus is one of the world’s largest abstract and citation databases, with over 21,000 titles from more than 5,000 international publishers. Your work has the potential to be seen by researchers all over the world, which can lead to greater visibility for your research and potentially more citations. 

Another benefit of publishing in Scopus-indexed journals is that they are generally peer-reviewed, which means that your work will have undergone a rigorous quality control process before being accepted for publication. This can give you greater confidence in your work’s quality and help ensure it reaches its highest standards.

Fast publication in Scopus-indexed journals can also be advantageous for career progression. Many institutions now use Scopus data as part of their evaluation process for promotion and tenure decisions, so publishing in these journals can give you a competitive edge. 

Tips for Ensuring Fast Publication in Scopus Journals 

ABDC Journals are one of the most popular ways to get your research published quickly. Here are some tips to ensure that your article is published in a Scopus-indexed journal as soon as possible: 

1. Make sure that your research is high-quality and well-written. This will increase the chances that your article will be accepted for publication. 

2. Choose a journal that Scopus indexes. This will ensure that your article is included in the Scopus database and will be accessible to potential readers. 

3. Follow the submission guidelines of the journal carefully. This will help the editor evaluate your article more efficiently and increase the chances of being accepted for publication. 

4. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the editor or publisher of the journal. They will be happy to assist you and guide you on ensuring fast publication in their journal. 

Types of Articles you can Submit 

There are a few things to remember when submitting an article for publication in a Scopus-indexed journal. First, check the journal’s indexing status to ensure it is indeed Scopus-indexed. Second, look at the types of articles the journal publishes – if your paper does not fit into any of the categories, it will likely not be accepted for publication. Third, check the submission requirements carefully and ensure your article meets all the criteria. 

Some tips for ensuring fast publication in Scopus-indexed journals: 

  1. Make sure your article is well-written and free of errors. The editors of Scopus-indexed journals are looking for high-quality submissions, so take the time to revise and edit your article before sending it off. 
  2. Choose a topic that is within the scope of the journal. If you’re unsure whether your topic is appropriate, you can contact the editors to inquire. 
  3. Follow the submission guidelines to the letter. If you fail to do so, your article is likely to be rejected outright. 
  4. Include all required materials with your submission. This typically includes a cover letter, abstract, keyword list, and full paper (if applicable). Again, failure to submit all required materials will likely result in rejection. 

Selection criteria for an article submission 

Submitting an article to a Scopus-indexed journal is a significant achievement for any researcher. However, the process of peer review and publication can be lengthy, and it is essential to ensure that your article meets the selection criteria for publication to ensure timely delivery. 

To ensure rapid publication in Scopus-indexed journals, your article should: 

  1. Be well-written and structured 
  2. Be based on solid research 
  3. Be of interest to the journal’s readership 
  4. Be relevant to the journal’s scope 
  5. Meet the journal’s formatting and style requirements 


Revision and Proofreading 

The peer-review process is the backbone of academic journal publication, and it is important to ensure that your manuscript is of the highest quality before being reviewed. To that end, here are some tips on revision and proofreading: 

1. Review your paper carefully before submitting it for peer review. This will increase the chances that reviewers will identify your work as high-quality and worth publishing. 

2. Make use of available resources, such as grammar checkers and spell checkers, to help improve the accuracy of your manuscript. 

3. Ask a colleague or friend to read through your paper and provide feedback on any errors they spot. 

4. Once you receive feedback from reviewers, take time to revise your paper again before submitting it. Ensuring that all comments and concerns have been addressed satisfactorily. 

5. Pay close attention to the details when proofreading your paper before publication; even minor errors can be detrimental to the overall quality of your work. 

There are several factors to consider when ensuring fast publication in Scopus-indexed journals. First and foremost, choosing a journal that is highly ranked in Scopus is essential. The higher the journal’s ranking, the more likely your paper will be accepted for publication. Additionally, it is necessary to choose a journal that is indexed in Scopus. This ensures that your report will be included in the Scopus database and be more easily discoverable by potential readers. Submitting your form to a journal with a short turnaround time from submission to publication is also helpful. Journals with a faster turnaround time are generally more efficient and thus more likely to publish your paper quickly. 

Article marketing and promotion 

Article marketing and promotion is submitting your article to Scopus-indexed ABDC journals to increase its visibility and potential for publication. There are a few key things to keep in mind when promoting your article: 

  1. First, identify the appropriate journal for your article. Not all journals are indexed by scopus research papers, so it’s important to check this before submitting your article. 
  2. Make sure you follow the journal’s guidelines for submission. This will give your article the best chance of being accepted for publication. 
  3. Include keywords in your title and abstract that will help readers find your article when they search for it online. 
  4. Promote your article through social media and other online channels. This will help increase its visibility and potential for publication. 


Research paper


The tips above should ensure your paper gets published quickly in Scopus-indexed ABDC journals. Suspending traditional publishing steps, such as peer review and journal selection, Scopus is among the world’s biggest databases of abstracts and citations featuring more than 21,000 titles from over five hundred international publishers. ows articles to be published even faster. However, even with a fast publication process, having exciting and well-written research is crucial for ensuring that a good journal will accept your paper. Additionally, submitting articles to only desired journals decreases the chances of rejection due to the article’s inappropriate subject or scope. So if you plan on writing an article or research study for a Scopus-indexed ABDC journal. Thoroughly prepare it before submitting it so that you can get your work known quickly and efficiently!

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