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ugc care list

Are you a researcher struggling to find credible journals to publish? With the rise of predatory journals or unethical publications, ensuring that research papers appear to be in a reputable source is very important. UGC

CARE LIST is India’s efforts to promote academic integrity, replacing the outdated UGC Approved Journal List.

Table Of Content

To maintain the high quality and integrity in the scholarly publications, The University Grants Commission of India has introduced UGC Care List, which is List of reputed and well-known journals.

In this article we will discuss how to navigate the best publishing landscape and ensure that work reaches the correct audience. What is the difference between UGC Care List and UGC approved Journals.

UGC Care List: What is the UGC Care List?

UGC Care List, which was introduced in 2018, aims to recognize reputable journals for faculty and professors’ selections, promotions and research funding, address concerns over research quality and unethical journals.  

From 2018, the University Grants Commission has discontinued the Academic and research ethics (UGC CARE) List of journals, instead it has issued mandatory guidelines to help in higher education institutions, faulty members and students to evaluate the quality of publications and journals.  

UGC care list journals, which was introduced in the year 2018, aims to publish good and reputable journals. The commission recommends using journals from this List for academic purposes and meaningful publications from non-Listed journals which could not be considered valid for academic evaluation.  

UGC care list journals are designed to match the global standards of the high-quality research under all academic disciplines, UGC aspires to stimulate and empower the Indian Academia through Quality Mandate. 

UGC Care List: Objectives

  1. Promote high quality research, academic integrity and publication ethics in Indian University.  
  2. Promote high quality publications in famous and reputed journals that would also help in achieving higher global ranks.  
  3. Create and maintain UGC CARE Reference List of quality journals which reflect and affect the image of Indian Academica. 

UGC Care List: Scope

  1. The UGC Care List aims to identify and promote journals which meet rigorous standards of peer review, editorial quality and international reputations.  
  2. Journals from all the academic disciplines which include arts, humanities, language and culture, all are included in this List.  
  3. Researchers and faculty members are encouraged to publish the journal Listed on the ugc care list of journals as publications from these journals are given more value in academia evaluations like promotion, research funding.  
  4. Research journals from all the disciplines
  5. which are indexed in Scopus or Web of Science, these are globally accepted quality journals and are considered for all academic purposes.  
  6. The percentage of poor-quality research articles which are reported or published are very high in number, and it affects its image. To get the solution of this problem, UGC CARE has taken up responsibility for preparing the UGC CARE Reference List of quality journals or called the UGC Care List. 

UGC Care List of journals

UGC is a supreme body in India which provides a list of quality journals to maintain academic and research publications ethics in every field. To support this UGC introduced a list of high-quality journals which is called the UGC Care List of Journals for paper publications. This is the list which contains good quality journals published in India and internationally. UGC Care List of Journals contains two groups. Group 1 describes Indian journals and journals which are approved and recognized in India. Group 2 describes journals which are recognized and approved globally. If any individual wants to publish any journals, they can visit ABCD Index journal. Here is the overview, how to check if a journal is UGC approved?  

  • Visit the official website of UGC Care List 
  • Login to the official account at UGC portal. If you are a new user, create/register at the UGC CARE portal and generate a new password.  
  • Go to the search bar and put the journal name/ Publisher name and click on continue.  
  • If the journal is in the UGC Care List then it would be available on the search output. In case of a fake UGC, it would not be available at the website. 

UGC Care List: What is UGC Care List of Journals?

It strongly emphasizes promoting high quality research and knowledge content by faculty members, researchers and students. 

UGC Care List: Group 1 subjects 


UGC Approved Journal  



Social Sciences 


Arts and Humanities  




Indian language  



UGC CARE groups are divided into 4 major groups. Here is the overview of the four main groups: – 



Group A  

Research journals which are indexed in Scopus or web of science  

Group B 

UGC Care List of Journals from previous list which are qualified as analysis protocols.  

Group C 

It recommends journals by UGC CARE Council Members from all disciplines 

Group D  

Journals submitted by UGC CARE University for all disciplines and language 

UGC Care List: UGC Approved Journals

UGC approved journals are a source or medium through which an individual can publish his/her articles. The University Grants Commission will only consider articles as valid only when they are submitted in any UGC Approved Journals.  

In the latest update UGC Approved Journals has been replaced with UGC Care List. If any individual wants to submit the article to the UGC Journal List, then the individual must know everything about it.  

UGC approved Journals are scholarly journals that meet the guidelines which are designed by University Grants Commissions. The UGC Care List is a compilation of these journals across various disciplines. 

Why is the UGC approved Journals important?

  • Ensures quality research publications  
  • Credibility of research 
  • This help researchers advance their career opportunities 
  • This helps to prevent publications in low standard journals or Low-quality journals. 
  • This helps to maintain standards of international research

How to check if a journal is UGC approved?

  • Use ABCD portal  
  • Find Journal ISSN number 
  • Click on ABCD portal home page  
  • Type or paste the ISSN number into the search bar.  
  • Click search button  
  • Log in to CARE portal  
  • Use the ISSN based search option

UGC Care List: What are UGC Indexed Journals?

UGC Indexed Journals refer to scholarly journals that have been accredited and recognized by the University Grants Commission. These journals have to follow specific guidelines and standards which are set by the UGC care, to ensure the quality of UGC research papers.  

UGC Indexed journals are considered to have high scientific quality while comparing it with the non-indexed journals. UGC indexed journals reflect the quality of the research paper. At least, for a very long time Index Medicus has been one of the most UGC Index Journals. It was published in 1879. Some of the recent UGC Indexed journals include EMBASE, SCOPUS, EBSCO, MedLine, PubMed.  

As has been noted, which indexation is the best and considered as most valid?  How to compare the quality of articles which are published in journals indexed with different indexation services? Publications’ importance is increasing day by day by the academic institutions. Selection of a high-quality journal becomes a difficult task for the individuals and the author. Secondly, many more indexation services have come up nowadays, such as Caspur, DOAj, Expanded Academic ASAP, Genamics Journal seek, Hinari, Index Copernicus, SCOLOAR, SIIC. 

UGC Care List: How to check UGC Indexed Journals?

  1. Checkout through the official Journal Website, look for a link or tab which is called Indexing.  
  2. Scopus: Search for Journal Title or ISSN  
  3. MedLine: It is a database of National Library of Medicine  
  4. PubMed: It contains peer reviewed medical research papers and materials.  
  5. EConLit: It focuses on Literature in the field of economics  
  6. ResearchGate: In this Journal, search for Journal title or ISSN. 

Final Thoughts

Navigating the research publication landscape is important for academic credibility and career growth. The transition from UGC Approved Journal to UGC Care List, has significantly improved the quality and readability, integrity of scholarly publication in India. 

For researchers, professors, faculty and students, who wish to publish in the UGC Care List of Journals, it is not just a necessity but an achievement which contributes towards meaningful and high-quality academic work. An individual should always verify a journal inclusion in the UGC Care List before the final submission to get the deserving recognition. With the correct journal, an individual can reach the correct audience, drive impactful discussions and add value to the work and ever-expanding knowledge ecosystem.  

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