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Kingston William
I have always harbored a deep desire to pursue a PhD and achieve academic excellence . . .
Dr. Pathan Parvez
In a world filled with talented dancers, not everyone is fortunate enough to receive opportunities to show . . .
Sachchida Nand Prasad
I have always been passionate about yoga, and after 14 years of thorough experience in the field . . .
Dr. P. Solomon Vikram
I firmly believe that it is the quality of the marketer that should be enhanced rather than solely focusing . . .
Sourav Roy
In my pursuit of personal growth, I have always strived to make the most of every opportunity without wasting . . .
Ananya Singh
In a country where many struggle to balance full-time work and pursuing educational degrees . . .
Rishal Singh
After retiring from my service with the Delhi Police, I decided to pursue my passion for human rights . . .
Dr. Ganesh Balasaheb
I am Dr. Ganesh Balasaheb Satay Patil, hailing from a humble small town in Maharashtra . . .
Dr. Gourav Aggarwal
Dr Gourav Aggarwal summoned his practice and decided to help diabetic patients from all across India . . .
Dr. Sanjay Kumar Mishra
Being a part of the India’s Aviation Industry for the past 20 years, Dr. Sanjay Kumar Mishra has earned . . .
Mr. Madhusudan Anv
Being a full time legal professional with a full-time job, a family and kids, it was hard for me to consider . . .
Mr. Nishant Kumar Mishra
When I chose to pursue my PhD in Biotechnology, I was worried of the amount of work and dedication . . .
Mr. Surendra Kumar
I’ve had the best year with Aimlay’s team. I’ve gained tremendous experience. With the staff’s sophisticated . . .
Mr. Sachin Subhash Gore
“After a long academic process, right now I have been pursuing my PhD in Law with through Aimlay . . .
Dr. Biji Levi
Initially, it was challenging for me, but Aimlay did help me to improve myself. They helped me with my thesis . . .
Dr. Jolly Jenifer Caleb
I want to thank Aimlay for their extreme coordination and cooperation, and I would like to thank Mr. Deepak . . .
Dr. Anjana Samuel
I completed my doctorate in nursing through Aimlay. I believe that a healthy mind is key to time management . . .
Dr. Mohammad Danish Nasim
Firstly, there were many positive reviews by people about Aimlay, which caught my attention . . .
Ms. Anam Khan
Initially, my father was connected to Aimlay for about ten years. I had my doubts regarding my Ph.D. completion . . .
Mr. Ahamed Zubair
Firstly, I got to know about Aimlay. Then I started reading about the premium services you provide . . .
Mr. Milind Bokade
Time is priceless. In my field, I’m bound to utilize it efficiently. With Aimlay, University admission . . .
Mr. Ahmed Masihuddin Siddiqi
Time is priceless. In my field, I’m bound to utilize it efficiently. With Aimlay, University admission . . .
Dr. Sumeet Mathur
I wanted to move further with my qualifications and always had a grip to complete a Ph.D. and rise . . .
Mr. Charanjit Singh
I had a great experience, the University staff was very cooperative, and Aimlay’s staff was cooperative . . .
Dr. Nellore Karthikeyan
I was astonished to join Aimlay, and I’ve heard and seen many things that your company has achieved . . .
Dr. Bhargavan TP
Okay, so during my Ph.D. journey, you helped me at every step. You’ve guided many other Ph.D. candidates . . .
Ms. Pooja Nandy
It was a sheer thought that how was she capable in pursuing a PhD while working full time . . .

Our Client Feedback & Success Stories

“I was once a working professional and had a dream of completing education, but when I met the director Aimlay limited at an educational fair, he ignited my ambition.”
Dr. Maleeka
PhD Holder
“I’m now a doctorate and it is because of the invaluable help of their thesis writing department. With them my academic writing is great! Thanks so much, AimLay.”
Dr. Srivastav
“AimLay education has solved all problems, by providing outstanding services, from admission to completion – their slogan is quite right! Very impressed!”
Dr. Malik
PhD Holder
I had a great PhD completion, and the credit goes to AIMLAY Pvt. Ltd. for coordinating with my research guide/supervisor and managing needful coordination and communication with the university throughout my study period.
Rajendra Giri
PhD Holder
Thanks for the educational counseling! I pursuing PG course with the help this educational consultant AIMLAY! All the best! I will need your help in the future too!
PhD Holder
Aimlay ensure to deliver that is committed from them. Has been a positive experience so far. They are genuine and are committed towards their vision and mission as they project.
sudha singh


412, Fourth Floor, D Mall, Bhagwan Mahavir Marg, Swarn Jayanti Park, Sector 10, Rohini, Delhi, 110085

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