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thesis statement

Although writing a research paper or thesis can be a grueling task, coming up with a thesis statement can feel extremely engaging. I assume you would agree with me is rather difficult since it requires condensing all the complexity into a single powerful sentence. Yet mastering this skill is important as it lays the foundation of the strong and coherent piece of writing. A thesis statement functions both as the structural framework of your piece and previews its primary components. In this blog we will discuss as a beginner How to start writing a good thesis with good examples, practical point of discussions, insights to help you create a thesis statement that is both impactful and effective.

What Is a Thesis Statement?

A Thesis Statement Meaning, It is a concise summary of the main point of the essay. It acts as the guiding signpost that provides readers about essay argument and its purpose. The best way to write the thesis statement: –

  1. Concise: A good thesis statement is short, concise and written in a very formal and professional manner. Start the point clearly and directly in one or two sentences.  
  2. Contentious: The thesis should not be a simple statement of fact of everyone already knows. A good and effective thesis is a claim that demands further evidence or analysis to back it up.  
  3. Coherent: Everything stated in the thesis must be supported and explained in the rest of the paper.

    The purpose of the thesis is to inform the reader about the focus of the paper or essay. It provides clarity to the reader to understand the greater context and scope of the topic. It helps the reader know what to expect from the rest of the work.  
    The secondary benefit of thesis is that it makes it easier to search for papers on a particular topic, especially in the realm of academic writing like research papers and thesis papers (often referred  as dissertations when written for doctoral degrees).

How To Write a Thesis Statement

Start writing a thesis can be daunting for every candidate. Candidate faces a lot of questions in the beginning like how to start the thesis writing. How to structure it and what kind of information should each chapter contain?
A typical thesis structure is described as follow:

  1. Abstract: The abstract is the overview of the thesis, and it is very short and concise. This section highlights the main content of thesis briefly so that someone who is curious about the work can get the overview quickly.  
  2. Introduction: The introduction to the thesis gives an overview of its basics or main points. Furthermore, it establishes the relevance of your thesis by highlighting its contribution to the knowledge base of the topic. 
  3. Literature review: The literature review is the new review chapter set for the thesis and evaluates the research work.  It examines and evaluates the research work that’s been conducted so far on your thesis topic and passively highlights the contributions of your thesis.

    A literature review is the survey of academic sources on a specific subject, providing an overview of current knowledge allowing to discuss relevant theories, methods, and gaps in the existing research.

  4. Methodology: It contains all the methods and procedures that have been used in the thesis. A well written methodology strengthens the creditability of the research methods. In addition, it enables the readers to choose specific methods and how they are justified for the research

  5. Results: This section comprises of the research works and includes all the observations made and the answers to all the hypothesis in the thesis. The result chapter includes only factual data and formats it to be distinguishable. Use tables, graphs and generic comments for the research. The aim is to enable the readers to discern the result of your research. 

  6. Discussions: The discussions chapters of the thesis start with a concise summary of the result of the research. It should explain how your results address your hypothesis and highlight any repetitions in the observations. You can also add comments on how the readers interpret the results and about the agreements and disagreements with the available research work in the field.
    A discussion chapter in a thesis is a place where a candidate has the chance to delve into the analysis, importance, and relevance of your research.

Writing a Good Thesis Statement

Writing a good thesis statement is a difficult task. But what makes thesis a good statement? The answer is simple Precise and enough good evidence to support the statement. Writing a statement that appears broad is merely based on value judgement. Candidates need to determine whether thesis is going to be persuasive or argumentative, expository or analytical. Before writing a thesis, a candidate should remember that a thesis should be easy enough that supports the research.

Types of Thesis Statement

Depending on the paper, whether it is analytical, expository or argumentative, the thesis statement has a slightly different purpose.


    An analytical thesis deconstructs issues or ideas into the components, assesses each part and offers an evaluation of this analysis to the reader. Such papers analyze art, music, literature, current and historical events. An analytical thesis statement is often the result of such analysis as literacy works, or a process or even latest research.

    This thesis conveys information to the audience about topics such as historical development current phenomena or impact of political interventions. It is therefore often a topic statement rather than a claim or actual thesis. It could explain where humans right came from and how they changed the world or how students make career choices. The rest of the paper presents the reader with all the relevant information about the topic covering all sides and aspects rather than one specific viewpoint.

    It makes clear and potentially subjective claims and follows up with justification based on evidence. The claim could be opinion, policy proposal or interpretation. The goal of this statement is to convince the audience that statement is true. A thesis statement of such paper could be that every student should require to take a gap year after high school to gain some life experience or it could be that vaccines should be mandatory. This thesis can be bold, assertive and one sided.

Thesis Writing Examples

  • ANALYTICAL THESIS EXAMPLE: Under Analytical thesis example it explains about analysis of the college admission process which reveals one challenging facing counsellor, accepts students with high test scores or students with strong extracurricular background.
  • EXPOSITORY THESIS EXAMPLE:  Under Expository thesis example, the life of typical college student involves studying, attending classes and socializing with friends. This paper would explain how students spend their time studying and attending classes and socializing with their peers. 
  • ARGUMENTATIVE THESIS EXAMPLE:Under argumentative thesis example, colleges should mandate high school graduate to take a gap year for community service to enhance their maturity and global perspective. This argument presents and gives evidence to support the claim that students should pursue community projects before entering college.

Quicks Tips For Writing Thesis Statement

If a person is struggling to write a thesis, here are some of the tips that can be followed:

  1. Know the topic: The topic should be something that you can learn about. It is difficult to write a thesis statement on a topic a candidate doesn’t know.
  2. Brainstorm: If a candidate Don’t know how to write thesis, then take a piece of paper and write down everything that comes to the mind.
  3. Phrase the topic as a question: If the topic is selected as statement, rephrasing it can develop easy thesis statement.
  4. Limit your topic: Based on what you know and required length of paper, limit topic to specific area. A broad scope generally requires long research while narrow scope can sufficiently prove by shorter paper.

Final Thoughts

Accomplishing a mind-blowing thesis statement format may seem like a challenge, which it sometimes is but only sometimes as with proper structure and purpose of the sentence kept in mind it becomes easy to write. A well written thesis statement is clear, coordinated and captivating as a base for structured and persuasive writing is established. If an individual wishes to see success in the writing field, they must pay emphasis to the pointers and examples given in this manual. A suitable thesis statement will best narrate the essence of the research and grasp the audience’s attention in an engaging way. Never forget to practice, as it helps in skill development and improvement, so now powerful thesis statements will be second nature for you.

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