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How to write a bibliography in Hindi?


To write a bibliography in Hindi, the system is much like writing in every other language. Include the author’s name, the name of the source, guide date, and writer, but in the Hindi language. Use Hindi script and order the entries alphabetically consistent with the remaining call of the writer. Ensure you use the quotation style required by means of your assignment or group.  

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When writing a bibliography in Hindi, name the section “संदर्भ सूची” or “ग्रंथ सूची” and listing sources alphabetically. For each , include information like लेखक का नाम (creator’s call), पुस्तक का शीर्षक (name of the e book), प्रकाशक (publisher), and प्रकाशन वर्ष (yr of booklet). For online resources, consist of the URL. Follow a uniform structure for every access, which has to be in Devanagari script. Adding these citations at the end of your venture helps readers pick out the resources used and lends credibility to your research works using acknowledging the original authors.

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