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A biography writing is more than a record of your life. It’s the story of who you are and how you have shaped the world around you. So what better way to tell your story than in a book? Future generations can read your biography repeatedly, inspiring them to make their lives count. If you want to write a biography, but you are confused that with whom to write, then you can take the biography writing services of Aimlay.

We offer several packages to fit every budget. 

When you’re ready to share your story, we offer several packages to fit every budget. Some of our packages include: 

  1. Bronze Package – Short Biography Handout with a cover.
  2. Silver Package – Includes lifography and videography. 
  3. Gold Package – Includes Lifography & and advancement to Honorary Doctorate. 
  4. Platinum Package – all of these are included an added National TV Air Time and fully operating social media handles.  


Our experts are here to make your work easier and make you famous for your achievements and hard work. to read about these packages in detail, visit our website: (biography)

All of our packages include a professionally edited book or visual form, which can be uploaded with several publications: 

All of our packages have a professionally edited book or visual form, which can be uploaded with several publications: 

  1. Online bookstores like Amazon Kindle. 
  2. A printed book that you can order in bulk and sell at events. A professionally edited visual form (portraits, videography) that can be shared online or published as a portfolio. 
  3. Family Tree – a professional family tree will be handed out to you to remember the family generations.  
  4. Social Media Influencing 
  5. Site Photography 
  6. Videography 
  7. Evento Story 
  9. Futurography & many more. 

You can also upload your story to your website if you’d like! The process is quick and easy—and we’ll help you if needed. 

You can also choose from additional features such as a hardcover book, Portraits, Videography, and thematic story. 

The book is also available in Hardcover or Paperback. You can choose from additional features such as a hardcover book, Portraits, Videography, and thematic story. 

If you prefer to share your story on a more personal level than just text and images—and would like to add some special touches—you may choose to have each page printed with the idea of one of your favourite photos (or even yourself!) on the front cover. This will make it extra special when you present this gift to someone dear to you! 

Our ghostwriters will interview you about your life story and ask questions about who you are, what inspires you and what your goals are for your legacy. 

Our ghostwriters will interview you about your life story and ask questions about who you are, what inspires you and what your goals are for your legacy. 

When we have finished interviewing you, our writers will draft an outline of the book with several chapters that follow the same structure. We will then edit this outline into a finished product ready for publication. 

Our writers then turn that information into biography writing that tells your unique story. 

Once we receive your information, our writers then turn that information into a biography that tells your unique story. This can be in your or a third party’s voice, but it will be written in the style of a book (or multiple books). We want to create something that feels like it belongs to you and not just another piece of content on the internet. 

The biography writing services will include stories from family members and friends. Who were there when you were young, photos, documents, and other items that represent your life’s journey…all of these things help tell the story of who you are as an individual. 

Your biography writing will include stories from family members and friends and photos, documents and other items representing your life’s journey. 

Writing a biography will include stories from family members and friends and photos, documents and other items representing your life’s journey. Your biography writing will be a keepsake for your family to share with future generations when they reflect on their legacy. 

Your book can be shared with future generations so they understand their ancestors better and feel closer connections through them when times are tough. 

A book is a legacy for your family, a source of strength in times of need, and can be used as a reference by future generations. 

When you create your life story, you create something that will last forever. Your memories will live on through the pages of your book. Even if someone else reads it after years have passed, they’ll feel like they know you just as well as if they had met you in person! 

Make your life count even after it ends by telling your story through Aimlay’s Biography Writing Services today! 

Share your story. 

It doesn’t matter how old you are or where you live; it is never too late to tell your life story. The moment is now, and you can use Aimlay’s writing services today to help make your life count even after it ends by telling your story through our Biography Writing Services today! 

Biography Writing Services

Our biographies are created to help you tell your story, whether it is about yourself or someone else. We offer a wide range of options, from book publishing services to videos, audio recordings and portraiture. No matter what type of biography you need, we can create one for you and deliver it right on time! 

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