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B.Tech in Data Science

In the modern, advanced technology world, Data Science has been sensed as an essential area, revolutionizing industries by way of harnessing the strength of data science to drive choice-making and innovation. A B.Tech in Data Science is a comprehensive 3-year undergraduate application designed to equip college students with the vital abilities to analyze, interpret, and manage big datasets. Let’s dig deeper to know the admissions technique, front assessments, scope, syllabus and profession prospects that come alongside a B.Tech in Data Science. 

Course highlights for B.Tech in Data Science

The course highlights for B.Tech in Data Science consist of: 




Course Name 

B.Tech in Data Science and Engineering 

Course Duration 

4 Years 

Examination Type 

8 Semester system 


10+2 (with physics, chemistry, and mathematics as main core subjects with minimum 50% marks) 

Admission Process 

Entrance Exam Required 

Entrance Exam 


Career prospects 

Data Analyst, Data Scientist, Statistician, Business Analyst 

Top Companies 

Accenture , Deloitte ,Wipro, Flipkart, Amazon, Cognizant, IBM, Walmart, Infosys, Microsoft, Genpact, Reliance 

Eligibility Criteria for Admission

To acquire a successful admission into a B.Tech in Data Science course, students are generally needed to qualify the following eligibility criteria: 

  • Certificate of 10+2 education with a strong core background in main subjects of Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics. 
  • A minimum percentage or equivalent score of 60% in these subjects, although this may differ based on various other universities and colleges. 
  • Proficiency in English language as it is generally considered the medium of communication.

Admission Process

The admission process consists of the following key steps:  

  1. Entrance Exams: Candidates have to seek for state-level or national exam. Some of the most important assessments are:  
  2. JEE Main and JEE Advanced: These checks are typically taken by way of some professional universities just like the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and National Institutes of Technology (NITs).  
  3. State-Level Entrance Exams: Various states additionally take theo own entrance assessments to get admission to applicants like KCET (Karnataka) ,MHT-CET (Maharashtra),and WBJEE (West Bengal).  
  4. Institutional Entrance Exams: Some universities and institutions conduct their own exams, inclusive of VITEEE for VIT University and BITSAT for BITS Pilani.  
  5. Application Process: After qualifying the entrance assessments, aspirants want to use to the desired universities and institutes. This usually consists of filling out a course application form and submitting the required documents like ,identity evidence, mark sheet.  
  6. Counseling and Seat Allocation: Aspirants and college students can  take part in counseling sessions where they can pick out their favored universities and colleges primarily based upon availability of seats and their respective ranks.

Entrance Examination

Some Key Entrance Exams includes: 

  1. JEE Main and JEE Advanced: These are the most important and crucial entrance exams required for engineering aspirants in India. The tests are made to assess the students’ knowledge in various subjects like Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. Amazing scores in these exams can further made it easy to acquire admissions in best institutions like IITs and NITs. 
  2. VITEEE: Vellore Institute of Technology generally takes this exam, which consists of various sections based on Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics/Biology, Aptitude, and English.
  3. State-Level Exams: Exams like KCET, MHT-CET, and WBJEE follow similar patterns to JEE mains but are very particular to some states. These exams are important to get successful admission into various state level engineering colleges.

Syllabus for B.Tech in Data Science

Syllabus for B.Tech in Data Science 

Here is a syllabus breakdown semester wise: 

1st Year  

  • Mathematics: Calculus, Linear Algebra, Probability, and Statistics  
  • Computer Science Fundamentals: Introduction to Programming, Data Structures, and Algorithms  
  • Basic Sciences: Physics, Chemistry  
  • Engineering Principles: Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering  
  • Humanities and Social Sciences: Communication Skills, Environmental Studies

2nd Year   

  • Advanced Mathematics: Discrete Mathematics, Advanced Probability, and Statistics  
  • Core Data Science: Introduction to Data Science, Databases, and SQL  
  • Computer Science: Object-Oriented Programming, Operating Systems, Software Engineering  
  • Electives: Subjects like Economics, Management 

3 rd Year   

  • Specialized Data Science: Machine Learning, Big Data Analytics, Data Mining  
  • Computer Science: Computer Networks, Database Management Systems, Web Technologies  
  • Electives: Advanced electives in regions like Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain  

4 th Year  

  • Advanced Data Science: Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, Data Visualization  
  • Capstone Project: A huge project that entails fixing actual-global issues using information technology techniques  
  • Internship: Practical publicity through internships in industry. 

Scope and Career Opportunities in Data Science opens a world of wide range of career opportunities in various fields like: 

  • Data Scientist  

Data Scientists are vital for reading complex information units to derive actionable insights. They use statistical methods, machine mastering algorithms, and records visualization strategies to help people make knowledgeable choices.   

  • Data Analyst  

Data Analysts focus  on decoding facts and turning them into data that may provide approaches to enhance a business. They work with numerous statistical tools and software to report major key findings to stakeholders.   

  • Machine Learning Engineer  

Machine Learning Engineers design and put into effect device getting to know algorithms to construct predictive models. They work on huge datasets and broaden structures that can examine and improve from experience.   

  • Big Data Engineer

Big Data Engineers develop, keep, and manipulate large statistics solutions. They work with technology like Hadoop, Spark, and NoSQL databases to system and examine substantial amounts of statistics.   

  • Business Intelligence Analyst  

Business Intelligence Analysts assist companies leverage statistics to make strategic commercial enterprise selections. They use statistical visualization equipment and dashboards to present information in a user-friendly way.

Future Scope

The boom capability for the destiny of records technological know-how is huge because of the increasing reliance on choice-making  

 Here are a few future trends:  

  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Advances in AI and ML are anticipated to growth the demand for skilled professionals in these fields.  
  • Big Data Technologies: The continuous technology of large information will necessitate huge information technologies as well as experts professional in large records coping with and analysis.  
  • Healthcare Data technology is remodeling healthcare by enabling customized medication, genomic studies and predictive analytics.  
  • Finance and Banking: The monetary quarter makes use of records science for fraud detection, risk management and algorithmic trading.  
  • Retail and e-commerce: Data technological know-how allows recognition of patron behavior, enhances supply chain best and patron excessive quit consumer revel in.

Top Colleges for Data Science

Best top colleges to have comprehensive course of B.Tech in Data Science includes :  

  • Sunrise University 
  • Mangalayatan University 
  • Upes University 
  • Capital University 
  • Mahaveer university


A B.Tech in Data Science is a prominent choice for aspiring candidates looking for careers in various fields like data and technology. The course offers a well-rounded education, together blended with theoretical and practical knowledge. With the rising trend in the significance of data in today’s world, graduates can eventually look forward to a rewarding career with many growing opportunities. Whether you’re looking to pursue a career option in B.Tech in Data Science, it can turn out to be a rewarding journey with an enchanting and remarkable experience. 

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